Rabbi Michael Torop, Emeritus
Rabbi Emeritus, Michael Torop
Rabbi Michael Torop is retired and now the Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth-El, a diverse Reform congregation of approximately 350 families in St. Petersburg, Florida where he served for 20 years as senior rabbi. His rabbinate has been focused on creating connected and inclusive communities of engagement and learning where Jewish life is explored intellectually & celebrated with joy and a sense of partnership with God. He serves on the Executive Committee of FAST- Faith & Action for Strength Together, an interfaith coalition working on local social justice issues, as well as the Boards of the Pinellas County Urban League and HCA Pasadena Hospital. He is a talented teacher and activist with a passion for social justice and equality.
Rabbi Torop received his BA in Political Anthropology & Legal Studies from Brandeis University (1984), his Masters Degree in Education from Harvard University (1985), and his Masters Degree in Hebrew Letters (1989) and Rabbinic Ordination (1990) from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. In 2015, he received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity from HUC-JIR, citing his achievements in the congregational rabbinate and community advocacy. He began his rabbinic career serving for eight years as the rabbi of the Leo Baeck Centre in Melbourne, Australia. Upon returning to the US, he was the Associate Rabbi and Director of Education at The Community Synagogue in Port Washington, NY, for three years before coming joining the Temple Beth-El community.
He is married to Rabbi Betsy Torop, Director of Rabbinic Engagement and Growth for the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Reform Rabbinic leadership organization for Reform colleagues in North America. They have three children: Gideon, Aaron & Hannah.
Fri, March 14 2025
14 Adar 5785
upcoming events
Friday ,
MarMarch 14 , 2025Erev Shabbat Service
Friday, Mar 14th 5:30p to 7:15p
Saturday ,
MarMarch 15 , 2025Torah Study & Brunch
Shabbat, Mar 15th 10:00a to 11:30a
Sunday ,
MarMarch 16 , 2025Brotherhood Schmooze
Sunday, Mar 16th 8:45a to 9:30a
Sunday ,
MarMarch 16 , 2025Sunday School
Sunday, Mar 16th 9:30a to 12:00p
Monday ,
MarMarch 17 , 2025Women's Spirituality Circle
Monday, Mar 17th 2:00p to 4:00p
Friday ,
MarMarch 21 , 2025Friday Night LIVE! Erev Shabbat Service & Shabbat Experience Dinner
Friday, Mar 21st 5:30p to 9:00p
Saturday ,
MarMarch 22 , 2025Mitzvah Minyan - Clothes To Kids
Shabbat, Mar 22nd 10:00a to 12:00p
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